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Honour Your Greatness

As I sit here putting this piece together, I am so blessed to be listening to the rhythmic sound of the ocean waves, watching the gentle ebb & flow of the waves that work in perfect harmony together.  Each wave doing exactly what it’s supposed to, not worrying or stressing over what the next wave is doing, there’s no race between them, no judgement, no showing off.  This is how simple life should be ("should" being the key word). The synergy & simplicity of nature is so inspiring & unapologetically radiant.

We on the other hand, seem to have completely forgotten how-to live-in simplicity.  Due to our complexity bias, we like to complicate our lives rather than keep things simple. We have cognitive biases to help our brains simplify information processing. When faced with too much information, we need clarification and focus on the issue's complexity rather than look for a simple solution.

We have been cultured from our childhood life through our entire adult life in some way or form by others; our parents, family, teachers, religious leaders, government, employers, social media, influencers; each of them gifting us with precious life lessons which has shaped us into the people we are today.  Society has demanded that we live a certain way, behave a certain way; & because of our fear of ruffly feathers, risking rejection & feeling left out, we condition ourselves to follow the societal norms & the masses.  In our race to keep up, we forget to slow down, take in what the Universe has to offer us, appreciate the small things, remember who we are and maintain our authenticity & individuality.  We have forgotten to “Honour our Greatness”.

What does Honour Your Greatness mean, besides sounding like a cliché?  It’s a simple need that is too often neglected; and in simple terms, it means “to appreciate you”.

For all that we have gone through in life, the trials & tribulations, our failures and successes, all we do for others, the kindness & compassion we extend, our fears & bravery, for all the energy we burn getting through our tasks, duties and responsibilities; we must always know that we matter more than we know.  We need not ever measure our worthiness by the majority demands.

The Greatness within you is your integrity, passion, honesty, resilience, fortitude, self-belief and strong values.  They all come together to create a uniquely strong character that when allowed to shine through, you are living the best version of yourself.

The most important investment you can make is in yourself.  Constant personal growth & making yourself better it’s a great way to making the world a better place.  Essentially, being the change, you want to see in the world.

A big part of honouring your Greatness practice is to pacify your ego.  By keeping your ego in just the right place, you ensure that your relationship with your greatest self-increases hence your relationship with others grows in leaps of quality.

Take some time daily to get off the hamster wheel, out of the rat race and start honouring your Greatness. 

Schedule time for yourself, spend time in silence, reflect on your day, practice gratitude, Practice self-compassion, respect your mind & body, know your worth, find & honour your purpose, work on your weaknesses with patience, set boundaries, limit social media usage, remove yourself from negative thoughts, actions & words, make choices that is respecting your highest self, embrace discomfort & take calculated risks, remind yourself that failures are stepping stones, inspire & uplift others.

Unleash the greatest version of yourself by Honouring Your Greatness.  

I end with the words of Philosopher, Ayn Rand:

“Do not let your fire go out, spark by irreplaceable spark in the hopeless swamps of the not-quiet, the not-yet, the not-at-all.  Do not let the hero in your soul perish in lonely frustration for the life you deserved, but have never been able to reach.  The world you desire can be won, it exists, it is real, it’s yours”

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