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Updated: Mar 26, 2022

Precious Souls:

It’s been a while since I’ve put my thoughts down. What better way to get kicked started again than a brand-new year, brand new opportunities; and on a very powerful day in the Numerological & Astrological world (11/1/22).Today is a truly a very powerful day as the triple one signifies Manifestation &New Beginnings. So, if there’s ever been a time that you wanted to seek “A NEW BEGINNING”, or start on making one of those dreams a reality, today is it! I’m not saying that you can’t do it on any other day, but today is definitely a good day to start.

All you need to do is:

focus on the current moment, become still for a few moments, block out life’s chatter and take note of the passion within you. We cannot bring to life a New Beginning or manifest our dreams when we have constant chatter going in within us, or if we are constantly deviating from our path.

Take the time to utilise this powerful day to ground yourself, focus on what it is that you want from life, take leadership of your life, take action towards your goals.Think of today as your NEW BEGINNING. Meditate, pray, journal, visualise, use whatever method you like, just get it out there into the universe

A New Beginning means different things for different people. It could be a new job for some, a new relationship for others, a new home, a new baby, a new spiritual journey, a new way of thinking; but it basically signifies an ending of some sort and start of something new.

So What is Your New Beginning:

Take some time to yourself to reflect on the past and visualise your future. Make it a priority to work on your New Beginning & reflect on this weekly.

I Leave you With This Thought:

“Every day is a chance to begin again. Don’t focus on the failure of yesterday, start today with positive thoughts &expectations”

By: Charmaine Balkisson

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