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Full Moon - Beaver Moon - November

The Full Moon in November is known as the Beaver Moon. This year, the Full Beaver Moon is accompanied by a total Lunar Eclipse and is in Taurus. During a lunar eclipse, the Moon, Sun, and Earth stand in a line with the Earth in the middle, causing our planet’s shadow to be cast onto the Moon. This gives the full Moon a reddish look which is know as the Blood Moon.

Full Moon is a time to reflect, release & manifest. A time to "spring clean" your life, physically, mentally, emotionally. It's the perfect time to increase your spiritual practices,

through silent meditation, exchanging of thoughts & journalling, practicing mind calming exercises like Yoga, Tai Chi, Qi Gong in order to minimise the effects of the chaotic energy of this Full Moon.

Eclipses signify significant periods of change and transformation. While a solar eclipse opens the portal for new beginnings and change, a lunar eclipse reveals energies that help us complete a journey or shift our course in some way. Lunar eclipses are also much more emotionally charged compared to a solar eclipse, as they are more feminine in nature and affect the emotional body to a greater degree. A total lunar eclipse, like the one we are currenltly experiencing, affects us even more greatly.

A lunar eclipse is an opportunity to create significant change in your life. You may find yourself feeling surprised or even caught off guard at some of the things you learn about others and yourself over a lunar eclipse; the trick is to pay attention. Not all of this information is negative. Some of it is positive and may even bring you inspiration, along with encouragement to shift your life. You must be willing to take the time to process any information coming your way and work through it. Eclipses are the time to break through the barriers, in whatever form they take, that prevent you from reaching your potential. The emotional nature of a lunar eclipse often can cause an emotional breakdown as you break through these energies. Trust your path and trust the path of this eclipse.

Total lunar eclipses can feel energetically and emotionally intense; fortunately, a lunar eclipse in Taurus feels more peaceful to the nervous system than some other energies. Taurus helps ground this immense energy and provides the perfect foundation to integrate and process our thoughts & emotions. Taurus is the sign of stillness. It reminds us to connect with Mother Earth and feel held, supported, and abundant. It helps restore our inner peace when the world has thrown us a curveball, and it helps us feel our inner resiliance in the face of any storm. Taurus is the energy to look to when life feels overwhelming, overstimulating, or just too much. It helps you connect to subtle energies of nature, like the Sun on your face, the breeze on your cheek, and the ground under your feet to feel your center. This lunar eclipse is also a healing time. Its an opportunity to see our wounds, trauma, and resulting pain clearly and honestly & allows us to work through them. Taurus teaches us to uncomplicate our lives. Instead of allowing drama and complex emotions to rule our consciousness, Taurus compels us to take life one step at a time. It is a gentle reminder to find the simple answers to life’s most complex topics. Instead of overthinking or overanalyzing, Taurus encourages us to follow our instinct and not question it. Like all eclipses, it will bring some intense energy and emotions. Seek to find peace and energetic calmness. Challenge yourself to connect with your energy, ground your body, and stay away from any drama.

Full Moon Practices:

  • Meditation - spend time in meditation as much as you can during Full Moon or Lunar Eclipse.

  • Fasting - stop eating for a few hours before the eclipse as a light or empty stomach allows you deeper into your meditation or spiritual practice. Ensure that your medical condition does allow you to follow this.

  • Moon Bathing - soaking one's mind & body in the calming energy of the moon has tremendous benefits. It increases vitality & longevity, balances the fire element & reduces inflammation.

  • Chanting - studies have shown that chanting of ancient Sanskrit mantras increase the size of the brain regions associated with cognitive function. Studies have also indicated that people who chanted or listened to chants became more cheerful and calm. Find a Sanskrit mantra that resonates with you.

  • Journaling - Release anything that is heavy or weighing you down by expressing yourself in the pages of a journal. Reflect on what is no longer serving you, Release them & Manifest your hearts desires.

  • De-Cluttering - a total cleanse externally as well as internally is great. De-clutter your home, workspace & clean your surroundings. If there was a specific day you want to choose to spring clean your home, Full Moon is just that day. Keep your space & home nice and airy.

  • Crystal Cleansing - Place your crystals out in the Full Moon's light to clear the crystals energy and recharge to its positive, natural properties. Remember to set your intentions.

  • Closure - Full Moon denotes completion. Use this time to finish up tasks, close matters, tie up loose ends.

The full Moon is a great time to let go of patterns that no longer serve you, no matter how entrenched in them you may be. Our spiritual practices give us enormous strength and the confidence to grow out of our comfort zones.

Full Moon Blessings.


Art of Living

Yoga Journal

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