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Authenticity - Staying True to Yourself

Divine Beings,

Authenticity is not something we have or don’t have. It’s a practice, a conscious choice of how we want to live. Authenticity is a collection of choices that we have to make every day; the choice to show up and be real, the choice to be honest, the choice to let our true selves be seen.

Being true to yourself…. which self? In life we wear so many different hats, have so many different roles. As we grow older, there are more hats and more roles. We evolve and transform ourselves into our new roles and sometimes we forget who we are. Forgot our childhood dreams & aspirations. It’s important that we remain true to ourselves in each of our roles in life.

Whilst being honest at all times is vitally important, being honest with yourself is a path to being true to yourself and being authentic. Stay

true to your values! The disconnect between who we feel we have to be and who we want to be, can cause huge discontent in our lives. And quite often only come to this realisation when we’re much older or it’s too late.

Take time out for yourself. Listen to what your mind and body is telling you. It’s important to serve yourself whilst still maintaining your family and work demands. You cannot pour from an empty cup! Be honest with yourself when you need that little bit of a time-out to yourself from life.

To become truly authentic and true to yourself; be open, speak your opinions in an honest and healthy way, make decisions and choices that align with your value system, pursue your passions, pay attention to your inner voice that’s always there to guide you, allow yourself to be open-hearted, remove yourself from toxic situations, and if not possible, set boundaries that will allow you to not drown in the toxicity.

Be fearlessly authentic and remain true to yourself. Be the best version of yourself and you will lead your best life for you!

Yours in Mind Body Soul

Charmaine B

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