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Ayurveda, A union of  Science, Philosophy & Spirituality.  Ayurveda  also means “knowledge of life” in Sanskrit, & dates back more than 5000 years.  It is derived from the ancient Sanskrit texts known as the Vedas.  It is a holistic and alternative system of healing. 

The Ayurvedic lifestyle can be incorporated by consuming natural, wholesome foods, getting the correct balance of exercise, making healthier lifestyle choices and making time to calm and quieten the mind.

We have been in this endless quest called life for millions of years and we have this incessant need to experience more, know more & to achieve a good quality of life.  This is the driving force for the evolution of our brain.

How do we achieve this quality of life that we all so desperately seek?  Ayurveda can help us reach that goal. 

If we take a moment to go back to our cave people ways, we will see that the average cave people observed nature keenly that surrounded them & applied the knowledge that Mother Nature so generously offered.  This knowledge evolved into several sciences and modern medicine as we know it today.  However, through this transition, some of the very basics of life was lost taking our good quality of life with it.


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Amongst the various ancient knowledge systems from around the world and from different cultures; Ayurveda is one of them that has managed to survive and grow over time. 

Ayurveda helps us attain physical fitness through healthy routines.  Ayurvedic philosophy is based on the five elements which is Fire, Water, Earth, Air and Space.  These five elements are incorporated into energy patterns which is also known as a life forces that manifests & flows through our bodies which governs our thinking and behaviour.  They are known as Doshas. 

There are 3 Doshas which are Vata, Pitta & Kapha.  We are all made up of a unique combination of these three energy patterns which is determined at the moment of conception and is your our personal blueprint. 


As we go about our lives, the proportion of each Dosha constantly changes according to the environment, diet, seasons, age, lifestyle and many other factors. 


The balance of the Dosha you born with is critical to your wellbeing and determines your quality of life.  Therefore an imbalance can have a huge negative effect on your health, energy levels, general mood and mental health.

It is Important to Determine What Your Dosha is

Each Dosha has a specific lifestyle that should be followed to ensure that you experience a healthy life.  From foods consumed to physical and mental exercises that must be maintained; once the balance in your body is maintained, you can be assured of a good & healthy life.

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